Leisure options
Experience the serenity of the Danube and surrounds!
Our convenient in-house wellness area, a boat landing stage right outside the hotel and, most especially, the beautiful Danube valley providing the perfect setting for a stroll, hike, run or bike ride, ensure that every guest will find the full range of recreational options. You can enjoy the great outdoors during breaks from a seminar, after a function or event or during a short holiday by the Danube.
The Danube – from different perspectives

The Danube is one of the great rivers of Europe. Almost 2,900 kilometres in length, the mighty river wends its way through diverse regions and landscapes. The Schlögener Loop area in the Upper Austrian Danube valley is particularly impressive. Over thousands of years, the meandering Danube has demonstrated its power and strength by wearing a channel in the solid granite of the landscape. Your views of the Danube will definitely change when you approach this spectacular feature from different angles.
Perspective 1: The Schlögener Loop – a unique formation
This is where Danube has carved a channel through the solid mass of Bohemian granite. The great river breaks through in a series of meandering curves. At the Loop, the Danube describes a tight, 180-degree curve from the southeast to flow on in a north-westerly direction before turning once more to the east. The Danube viewing platform on the Haibach side of the river offers a terrific view of the Schlögener Loop.
You can walk or cycle to this unique lookout; bicycles, including electric bikes, can be hired from the hotel.
Perspective 2: A Wurm & Noé cruise on the Danube
There is a landing stage right outside the hotel, from which you can take a boat trip through the Schlögener Loop. The deck of a large touring boat offers passengers a unique view of the forested slopes above the Danube “Leitn”. For a completely different perspective of the Danube (not through the Schlögener Loop), you might prefer to sail down the stretch of river guarded by one of the great locks. This tour will give you a powerful impression of the power of the mighty Danube, together with a deeper understanding of the technological requirements of the lock system. You can also explore the river in the directions of Passau or Linz by bicycle, bus, or a combination of the two.
Perspective 3: A Danube barge
The small boats traditionally used to travel on the Danube are known as “Zillen”, or “barges”. A barge trip is a very different experience to an excursion on a large touring boat. It provides a very different perspective and highlights a different and powerful aspect of the Danube. There are a few barge-builders still active in the region who are happy for visitors to observe their craftsmanship. There is a small museum right next to the hotel; “The Barge” is a permanent exhibition of the riverboat culture of the Upper Danube Valley.
Perspective 4: Hotel Wesenufer – “a different hotel perspective”
The hotel is a perfect complement to the natural wonders of the Danube loop. We offer our guests a completely normal hotel experience – although that’s not quite the right way to describe it. Sustainability and social commitment are key issues for us, and the hotel is involved with a variety of projects such as “United Against Waste”, a commitment to reducing food waste by half. We are also working with pro mente Oberösterreich to assist people with mental disabilities and other disadvantages to find employment. Ours is the only hotel in Austria to combine such a high level of service with active social work. Perhaps you would like to spend a few delightful days in this area – we are glad to hear it. Our hosts look forward to your visit. And if you would like to find out more about our social activities or sustainability focus, please ask at reception! The Danube terrace, new castle garden and several rooms with Danube views all contribute to a truly special perspective.
The region has still more perspectives to offer:

An artist’s perspective – the sculpture park
Larger-than-life “mythological beings on the banks of the Danube” can be found in the Kager district, with fabulous views of the Danube. The sculpture park, a particular highlight of a visit to the Danube, is located beside the “Danube View” exercise and running track (pdf). Husband-and-wife sculptors, the Fahrners, find inspiration for their steel sculptures of mythological characters in the undisturbed natural landscape, in which striking setting they appear to best effect.
The perspective of the Trappist Abbey at the Engelszell monastery
The venerable Engelszell seminary offers quite a change of perspective. Austria’s only Trappist monastery contains an impressive Rococo-style church, which can be visited at any time. Liqueurs have been distilled at the monastery for many years, and in recent years beer has been brewed there as well – the only Trappist beer in Austria.
The treetop walk perspective
An entirely wooden construction swings between the treetops over a distance of more than 1,000 metres, offering a unique view of the flora and fauna of the forest. A highlight is the 40-metre adventure tower, where energetic climbers are rewarded with a breathtaking view.
The Roman “Limes” perspective
For centuries, the Danube marked the northern border of the Imperium Romanum – part of the Limes, or frontier of the Empire, sections of which have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Upper Danube Valley is the site of some very interesting excavations from Roman times. In Schlögen, for example, there are unusually well-preserved Roman baths, which were only recently uncovered. Overanna, in the Engelhartszell district, contains the ruins of a burgus, or watchtower, a small but very interesting fortification that’s well worth a visit. Both excavations were featured as field locations in the Roman-themed 2018 Upper Austrian regional exhibition in Enns.
Perfect for small groups:

Archery – try shooting in the Wesenufer sports facility
„ An excursion into archery – we introduce the sport of archery with a variety of games and plenty of fun and excitement.
This dynamic group sport is just as much fun for beginners as experienced archers.
No prior experience necessary. Maximum 20 people per session. Session: 1.5 hours, no break.
Golf courses nearby
Pfarrkirchen Golf Club in Mühlkreis (14 km), Donau Golf Club in Feldkirchen (25 km), Celtic Golf Course in Schärding (34 km).
Other destinations in the area
Kleines Kösslbachtal nature reserve, the bridge over the Danube, the castle ruins at Wesen, churches in Waldkirchen and Wesenufer, the Vierviertelblick lookout point, panoramic views from Paschinger Huegl, the Engelszell monastery, the “Mini-Donau” water experience in Engelhartszell, the “Haus am Strom” (house on the river) adventure exhibition and the Jochenstein Danube power station, the trout circus and mill museum at St Ägidi, expeditions to Passau, Schärding and Linz or neighbouring Mühlviertel.
Other local attractions
Ice rinks and asphalt tracks, tennis courts, cycle paths, sports facilities, swimming beaches, water-skiing, cross-country ski trails.